my first week of meditation

Hey there!
As I have probably already stated before, I am an over-thinker. I tend to be very emotional sometimes and that is not necessarily a bad thing. However, it is not a good thing either and I am constantly researching and working on improving and healing that part of myself.

Last week, I began to meditate. I have actually tried it before, but never managed to stick to it. What made me do it this time?  I stumbled upon this app called Headspace. It is an amazing app for beginners. The sessions are 10 minutes each and you are guided through the whole part of them. 

Let's talk about my experience through the first week.
The hardest part was trying to stay focused through the session. I've learned that meditation is not about destroying or avoiding our bad thoughts. Meditation is about accepting them, and learning to live with them without the constant worry. Sound stupid? Well, it actually worked for me. After each session I felt relieved in some way. I was still having the bad thoughts but I did not feel as guilty for having them. I let them pass through my mind and not staying there for too long. 

I believe that this is the through meaning of meditation. Being at peace both with your head and your heart.

My advice to you is that if you want to train your mind try meditating. 
Headspace is a great app, but it has only 10 sessions for free. Try them, as I believe they are great for every beginner. After week two, I will probably search for a new app or do it by myself.

Thanks for reading and see you next post!


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