travel journal: Bucovina

Oh! The joy of typing on the blog again. I am done with making excuses for my lack of posting lately and instead I am going to tell you about some future posts that are right now in the oven. 

Thinking about the future made me realize that time is passing so fast, and that I need to enjoy my student life as much as possible. Those being said, I have planned some fun activities this summer, most of them consisting in traveling and attending festivals.

The first stop was Bucovina.

My trip started with me hopping on a train in Bacau with the destination Câmpulung Moldovenesc. The reason why I went there was to visit my dear friend Teo, from university, and my future partner for Untold Festival, also Teo. Yes, you heard right! One of the festivals I was talking about is Untold, but more on that, and my trip to Cluj, in the following post.

You know I am not much of a writer when it comes to my blog, so I will live you with some photos.

- my acommodation, Teo's home and also the river near her house -
- she took me on a little hill climb to Istrate, where we drank some apple cider and enjoyed the view of the city -
- one day we also went to Vatra Dornei and I acted like a true architecture/buildings freak -
As I always mention, I am grateful for having amazing friends to spend quality time with. Although I stayed for only 2-3 days in Bucovina, and did not get to visit that much, I had a great time. I mostly enjoyed the fact that whenever I turned my head, there was an abundance of forest, and also the much needed fresh breath of air.

 - a panorama of Câmpulung from the previously mentioned Istrate hill -

thank you for reading


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