travel journal: Greece

part 2 

Visiting Greece every summer for a couple of days, has become a family tradition for me. For almost six years now, Greece has occupied a special place in my heart and it still does. However this is the first year that I actually take my camera along and also the first year that I am lucky enough to document my trip on the blog. So take a seat and a cup of tea and enjoy my journal.

day 1 // wearing: ZARA dress

 - on day one we did a little tour on Sithonia, there were a lot of places where you could stop and admire the view such as the one above -
 - we then stopped at a tavern called Panorama where we had our lunch, although the food was not exceptional, the view was great so I was able to get past that -
 - what I like most about traveling is exploring and finding unique places, I like the diversity of flower pots shown below and also the surroundings of the tavern -
 - below is the view I had from my table at the tavern -

day 2 & day 3 // I mostly went to the beach

day 4 // wearing: Mango dress and Pimkie sandals
 - on this day we visited an old town called Partenonas, where I really enjoyed the architecture and also the mix of stone and flowers -

 - of course, as always, I am taking a picture in front of a door, predictable -

- then when we felt famished and thirsty we stopped at Paul's Tavern, a really nice traditional restaurant where the food was absolutely amazing; this time I got the chance to take a few pictures of the salads, the souvlaki and the delicious moussaka -
- we also visited an olive grove -

day 5, day 6 & day 7 // we went to the beach again

day 8 // we visited a little town called Gerakini
 - on this day a tried some fried calamari and also some mussels in sauce -
- this town had a slightly more modern architecture and was also closer to the sea -

day 9 & day 10 // guess what? we went to the beach again

I had one of the most amazing summers so far, I want to take my family for this trip and also my friends, for giving me some of the most special moments.
Thank you for reading and see you next post!


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